Ways To Avoid Distraction

Let's be sincere, everyone of us struggle with distraction to some extent. This diversion of attention could be in any form; it could be the phone beeping from messages, or the growling sound our stomach makes from hunger, or the panic and anxiety that creeps in some people, for some certain reasons. Most times, it is the burning desire to peep our social media apps and check who has liked that stunning selfie of ours over the last few hours.

Distraction can even be more abundant when we are away from home, probably in high school or just somewhere distant, facing life thoroughly. Then our minds wander in thoughts of how our families and dear ones are fairing.

But distractions as students, could be one major concern as most times, our schedules are unstructured and we are choked up between meeting up with all that study sessions and cramming all that we are being taught.

Fortunately, there are so many strategies to stay distraction free, or let's say, reduce the distraction rate in our everyday lives.

Identify the Source of Distraction
Firstly, the need to identify the source of distraction is very essential as it could help in variety of ways.
There's a saying that, “half of our problem is solved when we admit and identify that there's actually a problem.” Now, distractions can be external. As listed earlier, noise, stress, hunger or even personal issues could attribute to the loss of interest or absent mindedness when we are involved in primary activities.
Get A Solution
This step comes after the source of distraction has been identified. These tips would help greatly in overcoming the said problem.
❥ Take your rest time seriously.
❥ Meditate always. Most especially, a few moments before studying.
❥ Don't skip meals. A healthy tummy is a healthy mind.
❥ Get organized with a to-do list.
❥ Break big projects into bits and focus on one task at a time.
❥ Don't let your personal issues overwhelm you. This would affect you greatly in your psychological being.
❥ Set a social media timetable. This tip is very important as social media could be a leading factor of distraction in most folks.
❥ Get the best, conducive and well ventilated environment for studying. This is very important to help your mind relax well.
❥ Organize your work space. You know what we say about dirty environment. 😉
❥ Reward yourself. This particular tip, don't joke with it. Be very big on self reward and appraisal. Give yourself nice treats. You are deserving of it. 😉🌹


  1. You're so good at this writing thing... you dey try, as much as I'm trained to find errors in any piece of work.. I find it difficult to spot any.

    1. Thank you so much for reading. And thank you for your compliments too.


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